Dr. Donut & The Dingus

{31} Dr. Donut's Recent Drug Induced Trip To The Psych Ward w/ AARBEAR

Dr. Donut & The Dingus Season 1 Episode 31

1 Day, in the recent past, Dr. Donut decided to do some Ketamine. Then, she ate a 3 hit LSD Altoid and 1 Mushroom.  A few days later, she was released from a Psych Ward in Albuquerque.  She & Gold Medal Winner for Husband of the Year, AARBEAR, tell the tale.  You're Welcome.

email us: donutdinguspod@gmail.com

IG: https://www.instagram.com/dr._donut_and_the_dingus/

This episode was also released as a new Lost Rhetoric episode.  The only difference is The Dingus has an Intro & and Outro that are unique to Lost Rhetoric & are not on the DD&D version.  Check it out at https://lostrhetoric.com/